Reviews – Italienisch Sprachschule in Italien – Italienisch lernen in Italien

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Elisa und Nicole
Elisa und Nicole kamen aus Australien, um bei uns an der Solemar Academy Italienisch zu lernen, und fühlten sich so wohl, dass sie sofort Flüge für einen neuen Sprachaufenthalt in Cefalù gebucht haben! Ihre Familien stammen ursprünglich von den Äolischen Inseln und deshalb haben sie beschlossen, den Kontakt zu ihren sizilianischen Verwandten zu vertiefen.
Sicherlich waren das Meer und der schöne Strand vor der Haustür ausschlaggebende Faktoren für ihre Entscheidung bei uns Italienisch zu lernen, aber sie entdeckten schnell, dass Cefalù noch viel mehr zu bieten hat: die familiäre Atmosphäre und die Möglichkeit, in nur wenigen Tagen Teil einer kleinen sizilianischen Gemeinschaft zu werden, haben sie sofort vom Charme von Solemar überzeugt. Und wir freuen uns darauf, sie hier in Cefalù wiederzusehen!
An der Solemar Academy hatten wir das Vergnügen Niko, einen österreichischen Theater- und Filmschauspieler zu empfangen. Er hörte von uns durch eine Freundin, die bereits in Sizilien war, um die Geheimnisse der authentischen italienischen Küche zu entdecken und konnte nicht widerstehen selbst zu kommen um sie zu probieren…
Niko war von der Geschichte und der Naturschönheiten Cefalùs begeistert, es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick! Wir sind sicher, dass er bald für eine zweite Kostprobe wiederkommen wird. Wir freuen uns darauf, wieder einen Kaffee mit ihm zu trinken!

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Solemar Academy
Basierend auf 152 Rezensionen
Eva Postl-Stani
Eva Postl-Stani
19:45 13 Mar 25
Die Sprachschule selbst und das Team waren ein Traum! Alles sehr professionell, top organisiert und sehr schönes Ambiente! Unser Lehrer Marco war top! 10 von 10! Zudem ist Cefalù der perfekte Ort um Italienisch zu lernen! Eva und Alexandra aus Graz
Rosina S
Rosina S
23:22 07 Mar 25
What can I say? I first went to Cefalu in late 2023 & I had thought I had landed in one of the most beautiful places on earth. The old buildings encased against the bright blue water set the scene so well for my time there. But I hadn’t initially gone to Cefalu to attend Italian school. It actually wasn’t planned. I had gone on a whim as I was visiting Sicily & wasn’t too far away, staying in Palermo. So I thought I might extend my time in Sicily & visit this little town of Cefalu. And don’t they say the most amazing experiences in life are those that are unplanned. What a treasure trove it was when I stepped off the train at Cefalu station!So when I first began at Solemar Academy Italian School, I had individual lessons with Marco & I must say his expertise and patience really helped me in my learning. I was fortunate to have Marco again the following week in a class group situation. During that short time at the school, I learnt many things. The learning was great & lots of fun & at the same time there was lots of laughing in between that made the lessons even more palpable & momentous. The fine blend of grammar & cultural studies, plus Marco’s love of photography & film made the lessons all the more interesting.When I returned to Solemar in late 2024, I was greeted with the familiar faces of Giuseppe & Ivana & being there for a second time, felt like I had returned ‘home’. I was again fortunate to have two other fabulous teachers. Davide for several weeks & Alessandro for a week. Both added to the lessons I had a year before to further extend my learning. In Davide’s class I was blessed to be with known friends & new ones each week & the time together made the learning both interesting& lots of fun. Davide also shared his love of the cinema & films & outdoors & made the lessons tailored to the needs of the students.In Alessandro’s class there were only two of us & I was somewhat worried at having a new teacher & being with a new student who I hadn’t had any lessons. I shouldn’t have worried as the week was a wonderful one where we spoke so much about all things Italian & shared our lives & Alessandro's love of nature. His gentle approach to teaching put my mind at ease & we again had a very productive & fun week of learning. I made mention in a lesson that I wanted to learn Scopa & Alessandro organised this gifting us with our own cards when we left.The learning was definitely complemented in all three teacher’s classes by their genuine professionalism to helping their students learn & their love in teaching Italian. Each teacher at Solemar is committed to giving their students the best learning experiences. But it’s not all about grammar learning, is it? Besides the great daily classes, I bonded with many students, some who have since become life long friends.Solemar isn’t just an Italian school. The school prides itself on a wealth of additional cultural activities that are offered to students. Not only does it allow students to bond with one another, to make friendships, but at the same time it provides so many opportunities to be immersed in the Italian culture of Cefalu and Sicily. In both 2023 and 2024, I was immersed in so many activities that really took the classroom learning into the real world. The school always provides the students with a wealth of experiences & choices ranging from taste testing traditional Sicilian food &wine, watching movies together, attending the theatre, excursions to places outside Cefalu including Palermo, teachers giving of their time to do city walks(shout out to Simona too) & so much more. It’s more like a close knit family whereby students get to know all staff & at the same time learn Italian! It’s definitely a win-win situation! Plus many students return, which is testament to what a great Italian school it is! The experience at Solemar Academy has left a real special place in my heart & no doubt I will return again. If you are looking for a cool school to learn Italian in a beautiful location, with fabulous teachers, then Solemar Academy is the school for you.
13:59 05 Mar 25
Diese private Sprachschule ist ideal um in kleinen Gruppen oder auch allein die Sprache zu lernen oder zu intensivieren. Wir hatten eine ganz tolle Lehrerin (Simona)😄und wir hatten eine schöne Zeit☀️die viel zu schnell vorbei war!Grazie
Kathy Scaletty
Kathy Scaletty
20:47 04 Dec 24
Solemar Academy is an excellent language school full of professional and caring teachers. My husband and I just finished 6 wonderful weeks of Italian Language classes there, as Road Scholar students, with Simona as our instructor. She also taught us about the culture, food, and history of Sicily. Solemar sponsors many extra events we enjoyed, including a wine tasting, many Italian films, a puppet opera, and a visit to a cheese making farm. We met many other students and teachers at the Academy and enjoyed them tremendously. It was truly a life-enriching experience!
13:00 03 Dec 24
A dynamic and caring staff, they offer multiple levels of study with a sequential approach to learning the Italian language. They also include, if you choose them, cultural experiences. I would love to return someday as many have chosen to do.
Edna Bejarano
Edna Bejarano
12:14 01 Dec 24
Overall, my time at Solemar Academy was extremely rewarding, Great staff that helps you with any questions you might have, and the combination of excellent teachers, effective materials, and a diverse community made it a great experience.
Sinikka Silventola
Sinikka Silventola
09:49 29 Nov 24
Hieno viikko Cefalùssa, Solemar Academyssä Marcon edistyneessä pienryhmässä. Tulin hakemaan valmiuksia keskusteluun ja niitä on koulussa helppo kehittää. Marcon aihepiirit elokuvista historiaan, kulttuuriin ja myös mafiaan olivat mielenkiintoisia ja sain paljon uutta tietoa Sisiliasta kielen opiskelun ohella. Ehdottomasti voin suositella Solemar Academya! Cefalù on pieni ja sympaattinen kaupunki, jossa kaikki on lähellä, myös kielikoulu!
06:32 29 Nov 24
This is a wonderful language school, very relaxed and friendly but highly professional and extremely well organised. The teachers are all young and very good, patient and willing to answer any question. There were lovely excursions organised and lots of recommendations for places to eat, cultural activities and transport. Thoroughly recommended.
Marie F
Marie F
18:54 19 Nov 24
I recently spent two weeks studying Italian at Solemar Academy in their Club 50+ program. I loved both the school and Cefalu'. The class enhanced and expanded on any previous Italian classes I have taken. I will seriously consider a repeat visit to Solemar. My teacher, Alessandro, was wonderful and funny. The staff of the school, especially Giuseppe Zaffiro - Director of Studies, were helpful both before and during the program.The two week Club 50+ program was great. Class in the mornings and other activities in the afternoons or on the weekend, including field trips to Palermo and to a Roman villa. Classes were based on levels rather than groups so there was interaction with other groups or individuals at the school. Generous time was available to explore charming Cefalu', its restaurants, the stunning beach views, and the magnificent cathedral. I highly recommend both the Club 50+ program and Solemar Academy.
Rosemarie Di Filippo
Rosemarie Di Filippo
14:42 12 Nov 24
This is the 2nd year in a row that I have attended Solemar Academy with a group of my students. I have taught Italian for more than 15 years and am considered at the C1 (Advanced) level. But I will continue to attend Solemar because of not only the quality instructions received there, but also because of the warmth of the personnel, especially Giuseppe Zaffiro, the Director of Studies at Solemar. I would especially and most whole heartedly praise the instruction I received from Marco Iacono. Enroll, you won’t regret it! Cefalù is also a most welcoming, beautiful, beachside town. (Try the Pasta Taiano at the La Siciliana Restaurante while you are there.)
Olivia R.
Olivia R.
21:56 08 Nov 24
Becky Sciglimpaglia
Becky Sciglimpaglia
14:20 08 Nov 24
We loved everything about this school. Our instructor, Alessandro, was enthusiastic and creative, and he made each lesson both instructive and fun. Cefalu is a lovely town with friendly people and beautiful surroundings. I recommend this school highly.
Klaus Mayer
Klaus Mayer
07:28 30 Oct 24
Für Bildungsurlaub: meine Nummer 1, wegen der perfekten Organisation!I am visually impaired and travelling with my dog. I am very grateful for all the help I received! The staff is extremely professional and super friendly. It was a wonderful experience and I’ll definitely be back!
boni zoni
boni zoni
20:17 28 Oct 24
Man hat sich gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Giuseppe & Team haben immer schnell auf Anfragen reagiert, Davide war ein toller Lehrer! Auch die Formalia zum Bildungsurlaub haben reibungslos geklappt. Etwas schade fand ich, dass die Ausflüge in der Woche, die ich da war, nach Palermo und Agrigent (also ziemlich weit weg) gingen und auch einiges kosteten... Evtl. hatte ich einfach eine schlechte Woche erwischt.
Linda Butler
Linda Butler
14:02 23 Oct 24
The school is a very friendly and inspiring for you to try and speak Italian. The teachers are very encouraging, patient and accepting.There was a good mix of study with ‘fun’. The teachers speak very clearly and slowly. It gave me faith that it was worth continuing on this path. The school has a great vibe! A big thank you to Ivana for your help. A big thank you to the teachers Lisa and Alessandro who worked hard and showed no sign of irritation or fatigue at all.Importantly Cefalù is a really really lovely town.
Josef Valenta
Josef Valenta
17:29 17 Oct 24
Ho frequentato la Solemar Academy e sono rimasto estremamente soddisfatto! Il mio insegnante, Marco, aveva una vasta conoscenza culturale, il che ha reso le lezioni ancora più interessanti e utili. Non ci siamo limitati a studiare la grammatica, ma abbiamo letto testi e guardato video con una prospettiva più ampia, affrontando temi culturali e sociali. Marco ci ha anche dato ottimi consigli su musei, ristoranti e luoghi da visitare, non solo a Cefalù ma in tutta la Sicilia. Si vede chiaramente che conosce molto bene la sua terra. Lo consiglio vivamente!
Eva Havrlentova
Eva Havrlentova
11:47 16 Oct 24
I was very satisfied with the school. The teacher Marco was excellent. I can only say, that 1 week at the school gave me a lot. Everyone at school was very nice and friendly, Giuseppe, Simona, Ivana, etc.. I rate the Solemar Academy school as excellent and highly recommend it.
Steve LaForte
Steve LaForte
19:16 13 Oct 24
Amazing school, and super fun time improving my Italian and learning more cultural aspects of Italy generally and Sicily specifically. Alessandro was an awesome teacher. Will definitely go back and look forward to my next time there!
Marie Ostwald
Marie Ostwald
10:29 11 Sep 24
Ich war zwei Wochen auf Sprachreise bei Solemar und bin rundum zufrieden.Ich hatte in der ersten Woche einen Kurs bei Alessandro und danach eine Woche bei Marco. Auch bei Simona und Davide hatte ich jeweils kleinere Unterrichtseinheiten. Alle vier waren wirklich tolle Lehrer*innen, der Unterricht ist abwechslungsreich, humorvoll, modern gestaltet und es wird auf die individuellen Lernbedürfnisse der Teilnehmenden eingegangen. Als jemand, der selbst in der Bildungsarbeit tätig ist, habe ich mich sehr über die Vielfalt der Lehrmethoden gefreut - Simonas Visualisierungen z.B. haben mir sehr mit den Modi + Zeitformen geholfen 😊Die im Unterricht besprochenen Themen sind spannend und greifen die verschiedenen Perspektiven und Erfahrungen der Teilnehmenden auf, sodass man auch während des Unterrichts ganz nebenbei die anderen kennenlernt, was eine freundschaftliche Atmosphäre ermöglicht hat.In den Kursen gab es eine angenehme Abwechslung aus Konversation und Grammatik, und mein Italienisch hat sich in den zwei Wochen schnell verbessert. Da ich vor meiner Sprachreise längere Zeit keinen richtigen Kurs mehr besucht hatte, war ich anfangs nicht klar einem Kurslevel zuzuordnen. Nach einem ersten Gespräch wurde mit mir die vorgeschlagene Einteilung in die Kurse für die kommenden zwei Wochen besprochen. Hier hatte ich das Gefühl, dass sehr aufmerksam auf mein aktuelles Level, aber auch meine eigene Einschätzung und Wünsche eingegangen wurde. Nach der ersten Woche wurde erneut mit mir das Vorgehen besprochen um zu überprüfen, ob alles so für mich passt. Die Wahl fiel am Ende auf einen A2 Kurs in der ersten und einen B1 Kurs in der zweiten Woche, was für mich genau das richtige war.Auch Giuseppe und Ivana sind super nett und haben sich immer verlässlich und schnell um alle möglichen Anliegen rundum die Sprachreise gekümmert - sowohl vor als auch während des Aufenthalts. Die Schule organisiert zudem jede Woche verschiedene Angebote, bei denen die Kursteilnehmenden die Möglichkeit bekommen, einander und Cefalù & Umgebung besser kennenzulernen.Ich habe mich bei Solemar sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt und die Leute dort in mein Herz geschlossen - ich werde bestimmt nochmal wiederkommen 😊
13:20 08 Aug 24
I loved my experience at Solemar and like other reviewers, wish I'd booked for longer. The team is young and very professional and their approach is welcoming, encouraging and the right mix of structured, formal learning (in terms of grammar etc) with an equal emphasis on good conversation, listening, speaking and writing.I've attended two other schools in Italy and this was leagues ahead. It's a relaxed, comfortable and contemporary space and the social activities are a nice added extra.It's very well run thanks to direttore Giuseppe and my two teachers were fantastic and the perfect combination for me over two weeks - bravi Alessandro e Marco. Grazie mille!
Sophie Lin
Sophie Lin
19:49 04 Aug 24
Solemar is an outstanding place for students of every level which has a social atmosphere and intuitive teaching style. The school is very organised and equipped with modernities.I spent 3 weeks with Marco and 1 week with Davide, both of whom were outstanding as teachers and people. Marco’s classroom improved my Italian speaking and shaped my experience in Cefalù. I found his ability to steer the class with humour and confidence exceptional. Davide was very patient with all my grammar questions and improved my overall confidence with the language.Everything was structured to perfection: school in the morning, time in afternoon to sit on my backside and evenings to socialise with students from other classes. Having studied in Viareggio and Bologna, I would say all-round my experience in Cefalù was the best.Special thanks also to all Giuseppe, Ivana and all other staff who have created such an amazing place to study.
Lisa Vecchio
Lisa Vecchio
17:38 18 Jul 24
What an amazing experience! I attended Solemar for 2 weeks to brush up on Italian which I hadn’t formally studied in nearly 20 years. The school and teachers are most welcoming, taking the time to understand my level before pairing me in a small group with other students (various ages, nationalities and comprehension levels). My A2 classes were constructed in Italian with a mix of conversation, practical exercises, theory and application using a computer screen for a visual component too. In addition to the kind and patient teachers, Solemar provided a community-like environment, with daily organized activities for the many students who were traveling alone, new friendships were formed during my time there which made it easy to find someone to dine or explore with. I really enjoyed my lessons and hope to return again each year. Grazie Solemar!
07:10 30 Jun 24
To ze Cefalu to piękne miasteczko wie prawie każdy, kto choć raz był w północnej części Sycylii. To też było jednym z moich argumentów przy wyborze szkoły. Chciałem połączyć codzienną naukę języka z wakacjami i pobytem w pięknym miejscu nad morzem. Selemar Academy i Cefalu to właśnie takie ideale polaczenie.Od pierwszego dnia wszyscy nauczyciele i pracownicy są bardzo otwarci i pomocni. W takiej tez przyjaznej atmosferze i małych grupach odbywają się zajęcia. Prowadzący kurs Marco planując lekcje pytał o zainteresowania uczestników i doskonale dobierał tematy jak i zadnienia gramatyczne nierzadko wykorzystując urywki włoskich filmów, piosenek, reklam, itp.Na pięć gwiazdek zasługuje również organizacja zajęć pozalekcyjnych jak cotygodniowe aperitivo, wycieczka po mieście albo wycieczka jachtem, dzięki którym łatwiej nawiązać kontakt z innymi uczestnikami kursu i także po zajęciach ciągle używać języka włoskiego.Solemar Academy to szkoła do której z pewnością wrócę w przyszłym roku. Do zobaczenia!
Amaranta Aguilar Cardoso
Amaranta Aguilar Cardoso
22:08 27 Jun 24
Grazie solemar!! Adesso sono una migliore persona perche parlo e rido in italiano ^^. Marco è un professore bravissimo.
Alban Pacher
Alban Pacher
20:46 27 Jun 24
John Baines
John Baines
19:53 12 Jun 24
Very good language school with excellent teachers. Just don't stay at the school's own accommodation - The Villa Caterina. Big issue with lack of hot water, and an unreasonable owner with limited customer care skills.
Fiona McLeod
Fiona McLeod
05:18 08 Jun 24
I spent a week at this school and wish I had stayed longer. The team are super warm and friendly and go above and beyond to ensure the students feel well both in and out of class. Marco’s class and style of teaching was professional, engaging, creative and motivational. I cannot recommend a better teacher nor school! Keep up the great work guys!
Zoe A
Zoe A
07:58 26 May 24
I spent two weeks learning Italian in Cefalù at the Solemar Academy and I highly recommend to anyone interested in taking Italian lessons. I had a great experience and my time at Solemar really helped me improve. The teachers were knowledgeable and personable, (I had lessons with Marco and Simona who were both excellent), the school itself is inviting, and even offers many extra activities to keep you busy during your stay in Cefalù. Grazie ancora a tutti, è stato un piacere.
Daniel Norton
Daniel Norton
17:03 22 May 24
My wife and I had a wonderful week in the advanced level of the Solemar language school. The class was quite small and the students were well matchedMarco was our very friendly, very skilled teacher. He was excellent at establishing a friendly and fun atmosphere in the classroom. He was skillful at encouraging discussion and drawing out every student. He balanced discussion with appropriate grammar lessons. He was flexible in that he listened to what students were wanting and he found ways to work in/address those things.Everyone at the school was friendly and helpful. It was altogether a very positive experience. We hope to go back sometime soon.
Henrik Nääs
Henrik Nääs
06:47 21 May 24
Spent some really good weeks at Solemar. The atmosphere, the classes, nice tours.Special thanks to my teachers Davide, Silvia and not least Marco.The team around with Giuseppe and Ivana always ready to support.Thank you all! I'll be back......
Thomas Ertz
Thomas Ertz
09:05 01 May 24
Ich habe vom 8 bis 19 April 2024 einen Italienisch-Intensivkursus an der Solemar Academy Italian Language absolviert. Der Unterricht beinhaltete täglich 3 Lerneinheiten Einzelunterricht zu je 45 Minuten.Buchung und Organisation des Sprachkurses waren einfach und problemlos. Meine Anfragen wurden direkt und umfassend beantwortet.Die Atmosphäre an dieser Sprachschule, die nur wenige Fußminuten vom Sandstrand entfernt liegt, ist locker und unkompliziert.Das Personal ist kompetent, sympathisch und zuvorkommend. Die Räumlichkeiten sind ansprechend und in einem sehr guten Zustand.Die Sprachschule bietet fast täglich interessante Freizeitaktivitäten an, die ich empfehlen kann. Z.B. Führung durch Cefalù; Besuch eines benachbarten Naturschutzgebietes, gemeinsamer Umtrunk, Weinproben, etc.).Das Wichtigste jedoch ist der Unterricht. Ich hatte Einzelunterricht. Mein Lehrer war Marco, und innerhalb dieser 2 Wochen hat sich mein Italienisch deutlich verbessert. Der Unterricht orientierte sich sehr gut an meinen Bedürfnissen, war abwechslungsreich und über den reinen Sprachunterricht hinaus hat Marco mir viele interessante Details über die italienische Kultur vermittelt.Vielen Dank an Marco und das Team von Solemar.
Anthony Miller
Anthony Miller
14:25 27 Apr 24
This school is simply fantastic. The instructors are excellent, and they use a wide variety of sources to tailor learning materials for their students. I’ve studied Italian with many teachers over the years, yet my instructor, Marco, taught me some tips for remembering advanced grammar rules that no one had ever used with me. This really improved my spoken Italian. The entire staff truly cares about the students, and I honestly felt they were like friends after spending six weeks with them. I hope to return later this year to beautiful Cefalù and this amazing school.
Juergen Rebholz
Juergen Rebholz
22:25 29 Mar 24
Jeg besøkte denne Solemar Språkskole på Cefalu(efter 36år den andre gang) i februar 2024 for 2 uker til og forbedre min grammatik på italiensk med one by one og Marco,- hvilken var fantastisk og må anbefales han på den sterkeste.Han er kjempeflink!Tusend Takk til Giuseppe,min Lærer Marco,Davide og Ivana.Ci vediamo securamente un altra volta!Salute da Norvegia Juergen
Emelie Cockerell
Emelie Cockerell
16:06 10 Mar 24
I spent 3 weeks learning Italian in November and was so impressed with my progress in my Italian, thanks to my teacher Marco, that I decided to go back for 3 more weeks to learn more. During the group lessons Marco made everyone feel at ease within the first few minutes. We were able to have conversations, practice new grammar and role play with him correcting us when needed. We also learnt a lot about the Italian culture and history too. I opted for private lessons too, where he was able to explain new grammar to me until I fully understood it, challenge me with longer written homework too and support my oral Italian skills as well.For my second time I had Simona who was also a great teacher. We played games to practice talking, reviewed new grammar and spoke about different topics and traditions.All the staff are really friendly and helpful which makes the atmosphere fantastic. The after school activities also add to the charm!
Sonja Lutz
Sonja Lutz
09:38 20 Feb 24
Sicilia is always worth to visit but combining with some weeks of learning italian language made it even more a higlight in our life. We were very impressed about the quality of the organisation and the teacher. You get a deep entrance in culture and life of the sicilian people. Beside that you get easy in contact with other students. It was a great time and we will for sure come back again. Thanks a lot to Solemar Academy Cefalu
Diana Savlovska
Diana Savlovska
11:06 05 Feb 24
"Un vero viaggionon e' cercare nuove terrema avere nuovi occhi."Tak pisał Marcel Proust.Ja, ze swej strony, mogę powtórzyć te słowa ponieważ stały się moim po już kolejnym pobycie w szkole Solemar.Dziękuję Wam wszystkim, którzy to miejsce tworzycie! Za waszą otwartość i życzliwość, możliwość poznania Was bardziej i za Waszą gotowość do poznania mnie.
Lolli Travels
Lolli Travels
02:39 17 Jan 24
I had the pleasure of attending a 2 week language class in Cefalu in October. The teachers were OUTSTANDING! Gusippe offered incredible additional experiences we never expected that enhanced learning and offer additional enrichment to the students. I HIGHLY recommend Solemar as one of the best experiences of my career. I have visited other schools in Italy- Florence, Rome and Ascoli Piceno and Solemar by far out performs all of the programs I reviewed. Here is a link to my video. Not only was Cefaly incredibly beautiful, but the people were gracious and food outstanding. It was my first Time to Sicily as I am an Italian with roots in Le Marche and Abruzzo. It was pure magic.
Claude M.H.
Claude M.H.
11:25 08 Jan 24
Ich war im Sept 23 in Cefalu und war von der Schule, den Lehrern und der Atmosphäre begeistert. Alles begann mit einer E-Mail Anfrage, welche Guiseppe innert weniger Minuten beantwortet hatte und diese fortan schnelle Reaktion war dann auch mein Grund für meine Buchung. Mein Gefühl hatte mich nicht enttäuscht. Der Unterricht war ausgezeichnet und ebenfalls die Lage mitten in Cefalu.
Christina Cotton
Christina Cotton
02:28 30 Dec 23
This school is AMAZING, and I had the best experience here! After a few years of learning Italian on my own, this school taught me so much, and “put a lot of the pieces together” for me, allowing me tO speak/understand so much easier! Davide, Giuseppe, and Alessandro, as well as the entire staff, we’re simply FANTASTIC!I went to Cefalu solo for the school, and now I want to return every year!! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Cannot say enough good things about Solemar! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Binja Homann
Binja Homann
09:32 22 Dec 23
Im Dezember 2023 habe ich einen zweiwöchigen Sprachkurs als Bildungsurlaub mit Erasmusförderung absolviert. Ich fand bereits den Internetauftritt sehr informativ und konnte alle Fragen in kürzester Zeit per E-Mail klären. Die Administration war sowohl mit den Besonderheiten eines Bildungsurlaubs als auch den Anforderungen durch Erasmus vertraut. Alle Formalitäten wurden prompt, kompetent und sehr freundlich erledigt.Der Unterricht (Einzelunterricht) orientierte sich sehr gut an meinen Bedürfnissen, war gut strukturiert, praxisorientiert, didaktisch professionell, über den Spracherwerb hinaus interessant und dazu sehr lustig und motivierend.Das alles in einer bezaubernden Stadt wie Cefalù zu erleben, kann ich wärmstens empfehlen.Herzlichen Dank an das Team der Solemar Academy!
Katarzyna Majszczyk
Katarzyna Majszczyk
21:20 19 Dec 23
Kochani koledzy i koleżanki ze szkoły - Wy też zostajecie ze mną na dłużej! Dziękuję za każdą lekcję, która zawsze kończyła się śmiechem i życzliwością.Jestem pewna, że to jeszcze nie koniec.... 🙂
Heather Knight
Heather Knight
10:19 05 Dec 23
A fabulous experience in a gorgeous seaside town with perfect weather. The teachers & after-school experiences at Solemar were fantastic. A friendly, welcoming & relaxed atmosphere - perfect for learning. All lessons were interesting, relevant & covered both practical language & cultural topics. Came away feeling much more confident about conversing in Italian. IWish I'd stayed longer! And I definitely want to return.
Anne H
Anne H
12:31 27 Nov 23
The teachers and staff at Solemar are so welcoming and help create a warm atmosphere among the students. Teachers are passionate, stimulating and enthusiastic both during lessons and the highly enjoyable afternoon/evening activities. Cefalu is a wonderful setting. I have attended 4 other schools in Italy and Solemar is the one to which I will return for sure
13:57 03 Nov 23
Großartige Schule, großartige Lehrer und großartige Unternehmungen. Es waren zwei wundervolle Wochen!
Fernando T.M.
Fernando T.M.
07:59 01 Oct 23
Muy buena academia para aprender italiano. Lia ha hecho que las clases sean muy amenas. Muchas gracias también a Giuseppe.
Nicole Favaloro
Nicole Favaloro
04:12 20 Sep 23
I highly recommend going to Solemar Academy in Cefalu! I attended in September 2022 and loved it so much that I returned in July 2023. The teachers are very passionate and make classes fun - I had Marco, Davide and Simona who are all fantastic. The school and facilities are modern and comfortable. The support staff (particularly Ivana and Giuseppe!) are available to help you with anything and will go above and beyond to make sure you're enjoying your time.Class is typically from 9-12pm which means you have the whole afternoon to explore Cefalu and enjoy the Sicilian lifestyle. Everything you learn in class can be instantly used when you're ordering in restaurants, going to the beach, etc.Thank you Ivana, Marco, Davide, Simona, Giuseppe and all Solemar staff 🙂
15:36 09 Aug 23
I was staying for onlyone week and in that week I had an intense immersion course (3 hours every morning with a 15-minute break) with Marco Iacono, a fantastic, laid back, communicative teacher who refeshed my grammar (at C1 level) and introduced me to Italian movies and local lore; he used movie scenes to shed light on difficult grammatical points like the pronomi combinati and the concordanza dei tempi! I keep fond memories of his spirited performance and deep knowledge of his language and culture, as well as his sense of humor. The whole Team is very devoted and organizes tours, movie screenings, and the (in)famous apero!
Marshall Corwin
Marshall Corwin
15:34 01 Jul 23
The perfect introduction to Italian for someone who hardly spoke a word. Lia is an absolutely brilliant teacher, so patient and reassuring, with just the right mix of Italian and English. The sessions felt very relevant - and we had a lot of fun too. Hooked on Italian after one week and will definitely aim to come back as soon as possible. This is a wonderful school.
Pierluigi Ballandi
Pierluigi Ballandi
08:59 24 Jun 23
Márta Bendik
Márta Bendik
08:14 24 Jun 23
Un centro fantastico in una cittá favolosa. I professori sono preparatissimi, le lezioni familiari. Tutti quelli che vogliono studiare in italiano, troveranno delle novitá utilissime convenienti ai loro interessi e al loro livello di lingua.
Betty Faraggi
Betty Faraggi
15:37 17 Jan 21
Je recommande vivement cette école, les professeurs sont accueillants et bienveillants j’ai beaucoup appris avec Eliana même si ce n’était qu’une semaine. J’y reviendrai dès que possible.
Susan Faggionato
Susan Faggionato
17:43 18 Mar 20
Caring competent instructors and staff. Sensitive to each person's needs.
Marjukka Mäkelä
Marjukka Mäkelä
17:16 18 Mar 20
Loistavat opettajat, ihana paikka Sisiliassa!
Jean Dittrich
Jean Dittrich
16:18 27 Oct 19
Ein tolles und hilfsbereites Team, ich habe in den zwei Wochen viel gelernt und verstanden. Die Atmosphäre im Unterricht ist ist locker und die Gruppen erfreulich klein, so daß man erfolgreich lernen kann. Ich empfehle für einen Italienischkurs die Solemar Academy!
Regine Schneider
Regine Schneider
15:05 23 Oct 19
Ho solo fatto qualche ore " face to face" e sono stata molto contenta. Tutti gli insegnanti erano simpatici e molto ambiziosi.
Helga Winkler
Helga Winkler
15:56 21 Oct 19
Freundlich, gute Lehrer, tolle Stimmung
Resi Rasi
Resi Rasi
05:41 21 Oct 19
Unglaublich netten und kompetenten Unterricht gehabt, eine Woche Solemar verging leider wie im Flug....
Ich komme wieder!!!
Aaron Ham
Aaron Ham
06:52 26 Sep 19
Excellent school with fantastic teachers. I highly recommend Solemar Acedemy to anyone considering studying Italian in Italy.
Liberty Fitz-Claridge
Liberty Fitz-Claridge
13:51 09 Aug 19
I arrived at Solemar with good expectations based on the information on their website and the good reviews here and elsewhere. The short time I spent there met and exceeded my expectations in every possible way.

To start with the small stuff: The booking process was straightforward and the staff were quick to respond to emails. The school is conveniently located between the train station and the beach - a five minute walk to either place. It has spacious classrooms and several communal areas. On arrival we were greeted with coffee and biscuits, as well as an all-important coffee machine tutorial. There is an online test before you arrive, but on our first morning they also had a brief conversation with each new student (barring beginners) to assess their needs and level.

Which leads me to the bigger stuff: In terms of the classes, Solemar does not use textbooks. Instead, they assess the needs of each student based on the test and conversation, and plan each week in accordance with the specific needs of the class. So you’re not just getting ‘a language course’ - you’re getting a personalised learning programme. The classes themselves are relaxed but useful, with pleasant conversational digressions but also with clear goals for each week. My teacher Eliana was always happy to answer our various questions, and she took an interest in our progress. Class sizes were small - mine had five people.

The atmosphere of the school was great. There were often teachers hanging around communal areas and they would generally be happy to help or chat with students. They also organise activities for students almost daily, most of which are free. This was another chance to get to know classmates and people from the local area, and of course to practice Italian.

I think the thing that impressed me most is the extent to which the school is involved in and part of the local community. Almost everyone there is a native of Cefalú and they take an interest in the goings on of the town. The overall result is a combination of local knowledge, natural Sicilian warmth, and international-level standards of teaching and service.
Maristella Aelwynn
Maristella Aelwynn
17:44 03 Jul 19
Eccelenti insegnanti, bella citta', fantastica experienza!
Marilyn Thayer
Marilyn Thayer
15:21 13 Nov 18
The welcome routine and level placement process were well done.
Our teacher was very good, adapting the lesson to our preferences.
The school provides a practical and historical tour of the town every Monday afternoon.
Wednesday night social is attended by various teachers.
Location of school is 3 minutes from the beach and great restaurants & cafes.
Hargitai Csilla
Hargitai Csilla
15:13 22 Aug 18
Insegnanti preparati, un corso su misura, atmosfera armonica, staff disponibile, programmi veramente interessanti. Una cittadina meravigliosa, un mare pulitissimo, é un posto ideale per trascorrere una vacanza-studio. Anche se io sono insegnanted'taliano non piu molto giovane ho potuto approfittare molto di queste due ettimane. Molti non sanno, é possibile venire con il programma Erasmus+ KA1.
Zimonen Federico
Zimonen Federico
20:37 01 Dec 17
Giak Puleo
Giak Puleo
12:34 10 Nov 17
See you soon again ............................................... EN / Lessons
Avril Toner
Avril Toner
11:54 08 Nov 17
I attended Solemar last week with my two teenage children for a week long course in Italian. My teacher was Marco and my children had Simona. Both were great. I think it's safe to say we all learnt loads, and this week my children won't stop speaking to me in Italian! The classes were enjoyable, informative and we all saw results at the end of the week. Apart from the young, dynamic staff, the school decor is also young and hip - and as for the location...beautiful spot. I also thought that the whole week was great value for money. Keep up the good work and thanks for everything. We will be back.
Emanuela Di Cola
Emanuela Di Cola
16:52 30 Sep 17
Andrée Boudreau
Andrée Boudreau
10:53 08 Aug 17
Wow! Une école de langue excellente à tout point de vue: qualité de l'enseignement , dynamisme remarquable de l'école pour organiser des activités qui permettent aux étudiants de se connaître et de se sentir tout de suite intégrés, emplacement parfait dans une ville exceptionnelle, Cefalù.
Grazie mille a tutti della scuola per queste due settimane indimenticabili; posso afermare che adesso parlo meglio italiano e che conosco un po di più la cultura siciliana ed italiana.
Tornerò senza dubbio a Cefalù e alla Solemar Academy!
Christiane S Hartl
Christiane S Hartl
14:05 30 May 17
Vera Yakhontova
Vera Yakhontova
21:11 25 May 17
Avevo gli stupendi giorni a Cefalù ! Gli studi, gli insegnanti, le lezione, l'attività dopo la scuola - tutto era perfetto! Sopratutto grazie a Marco e Eliana! Ci vediamo fra poco!

Две недели в Solemar Academy были насыщенные и очень полезные. Занятия в группе, после индивидуальные уроки и как награда - время проведенное в этом очаровательном городе. Удалось совместить учебу с прогулками, морем и пляжем, и конечно, сицилийской кухней! Спасибо всему творческому коллективу! И в отдельности моим преподавателям-Марко и Элиане. Рада, что скоро встречусь со всеми вновь! Успехов и процветания!
Roberto Guachinches
Roberto Guachinches
16:23 12 May 17
Solemar Academy e' sinonimo di qualita',professionalita' ed esperienza accompagnata da tanta passione.
Mi sono trovato benissimo,fin da subito ho notato un'ospitalita'calda e tanta serenita,ho imparato moltissimo, e credo che la scuola gode di una posizione ottimale. Proprio una piccola perla Cefalu'.
Grazie di cuore a tutti voi ,ma reputo opportuno citare una persona che mi ha dato molto,Valerio!sei un grande!continua sempre cosi'!
Theresa Kallrath
Theresa Kallrath
13:06 08 May 17
Sylvain Tessier
Sylvain Tessier
15:25 26 Apr 17
J'ai suivi trois semaines de cours et j'ai beaucoup apprécié. J'ai été agréablement surpris par la qualité de l'enseignement, l'engagement des enseignants (grazie Giulia) et par le climat chaleureux généré par tous ceux qui travaillent à l'école. De plus la ville de Cefalu est très agréable et sa relative petitesse permet de tisser rapidement des liens avec les gens qui y vivent.
Je recommande sans réserve cette école.
Marc Gó
Marc Gó
19:40 05 Apr 17
Very welcoming and nice team. The school is modern and spacious. The quality of teachers (I had Simona) is great! The lessons were very dynamic, combining different teaching resources like videos, songs, games, pictures... with the right tempo and mixing it with cultural aspects. They offer very interesting extra activities and a bunch of local tips. I felt like at home since the first day and I would definitely come back. The town is also excellent to combine holidays and learning. Recommended 100%
Anna Filippova
Anna Filippova
19:00 11 Mar 17
Giusy Musotto
Giusy Musotto
07:53 28 Oct 16
La scuola mi é piaciuta tantissimo. Il mio inaegnante, Sandy,oltre a essere simpatico, è anche un ottimo insegnante. Ho imparato la grammatica davvero bene, attraverso esercizi orali e scritti. Che dire? La consiglio vivamente. Studiare l'inglese, ai giorni odierni è importantissimo e con insegnanti cosi bravi e preparati, diventa anche facile e divertente
Fabian von Lahnstein
Fabian von Lahnstein
16:07 17 Oct 16
Lehrreiche Woche in Cefalu mit passendem Abendprogramm! Mille Grazie!
Vero Nica
Vero Nica
16:50 16 Oct 16
Victorine van Zanten
Victorine van Zanten
13:06 03 Oct 16
J'ai suivi pour la 2ème fois une semaine de cours à l'école avec beaucoup de plaisir. La culture, les connaissances et la motivation des enseignants est contagieuse. Les cours sont donnés avec une apparente légèreté mais on travaille y beaucoup et suivre les cours est assez demandant. Avoir du temps libre l'après-midi est bienvenu, en particulier avec la plage à proximité. La disponibilité des professeurs est remarquable: on se sent très entouré. Je peux encourager tout un chacun de s'inscrire à la Solemar Acedemia
Rosa Pennisi
Rosa Pennisi
10:53 22 Aug 16
Ho chiamato per avere delle informazioni... Gentilissimi e disponibili....
Anastasia  Khalizova
Anastasia Khalizova
19:16 12 Jul 16
Последний свой отпуск в конце мая я провела на Сицилии=)Главной причиной выбора места отдыха стало обучение в языковой школе Solemar Academy.До этого изучала итальянский язык примерно год, с репетитором. Обучение длилось неделю и с каждым днем я понимала все больше и больше.В моей группе было три человека и примерно один уровень понимания.Все программа обучения была построена исключительно на итальянском языке, что позволило всецело погрузиться в атмосферу настоящей Италии. Моим учителем была Eliana молодая приятная девушка, которая действительно любит преподавать и делает это интересно и со всей душой.
Проживала я в особняке Villa Caterina, которая принадлежит школе. Так же можно самому найти себе жилье. Villa Caterina очень красивое место и жить там одно удовольствие!!!!
Утром я училась, а днем и вечером гуляла по городу, заводя новые итальянские знакомства и тем самым повышая уровень языка=)
Всем рекомендую Solemar Academy!!!!Не пожалеете=)
Concetta Di Francesca
Concetta Di Francesca
07:55 26 May 16
Valeria  Ivanova
Valeria Ivanova
14:15 06 Apr 16
Неделю назад вернулась из Чефалу, где проходила курсы итальянского в Solemar Academy. Осталась очень довольна! Хочется сказать спасибо моим преподавателям и руководству школы за теплоту, внимание и индивидуальный подход. Это то место, где хочется учиться круглыми сутками и непременно возвращаться! Очень уютно и как-то по-домашнему.
Я брала стандартный курс и занималась в группе из четырех человек. Нашим учителем был Марко - молодой сицилиец, который действительно любит преподавать и делает это качественно и интересно. Мы уделяли достаточное время грамматике, всем актуальным новостям в мире, слушали итальянские песни, писали сочинения на разные темы и говорили, говорили, говорили. На разные темы, абсолютно каждый день: о жизни на Сицилии, в Италии, о различиях между странами (со мной в группе помимо меня русской были еще студенты из Австрии и Германии), о наших вкусах и привычках..мы спорили, обсуждали, слушали друг друга. И как то незаметно для себя мой итальянский стал лучше, гораздо лучше. Уже нет никакого стеснения и страха, я начала свободно говорить,и за это хочется поблагодарить отдельно!
Также очень понравилось разнообразие внешкольных мероприятий, каждый день после уроков было что-то новое интересное, куда мы ходили все вместе. Не было времени скучать! Краем глаза видела Villa Caterina, на которой проживают все студенты, и немного завидовала, что не живу со всеми вместе.Там так красиво! Не могу представить как там летом...надо приехать и проверить.
Рекомендую школу друзьям, кто учит итальянский!
Solemar Academy, grazie mille e ci vediamo presto;)
Marco Iacono
Marco Iacono
10:32 17 Oct 15
Sandra Young
Sandra Young
17:00 14 Oct 15
Grazie Mille to the staff and directors of Solemar. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learned so much while having a lot of fun! They are a group of dedicated professionals with a contagious positive energy. Every aspect of the Italian language course is designed for the student's benefit. They understand methodologies and practices to teach students for all language levels. I will see you next year in Cefalu where it's the best of the best in all of Italy!
Daniel Vásquez
Daniel Vásquez
11:04 27 Aug 15
Cees Leijenhorst
Cees Leijenhorst
13:18 17 Aug 15
I followed a four week standard course, Giuseppe is a great teacher with a wonderful sense of humor, which is crucial in learning a language. The course not only devotes attention to the necessary formal elements such as grammar and vocabulary. I also benefitted a lot from the joint reading of texts, listening to songs and discussions that we had. The school is situated at a beautiful spot, had a young and dynamic staff and offers lots of extra perks such as free wifi access. I'll definitely come back. I'm going for C2!!!
Stella Gruessner
Stella Gruessner
05:15 15 Aug 15
Maria Vittoria Varvaro
Maria Vittoria Varvaro
16:08 06 May 15
Rafaqat Ali
Rafaqat Ali
16:51 26 Apr 15
Rahel Keller
Rahel Keller
17:14 01 Jan 15
La scuola mi e piacuta molto e mia insegnate Eliana era sympatica, gentile, patientemente,molto qualificato e con competenza. 5 stelle per Eliana! Posso raccomandare Solemar Academy!
E Cefalu e bellissima....
cari saluti Rahel
Timo Laterne
Timo Laterne
15:47 08 Dec 14
Eleonora Carnevale
Eleonora Carnevale
06:13 03 Nov 14
Anja Derksen
Anja Derksen
20:23 26 Jul 14
E una scuola belissima.mi ha piasuto molto.grazie tanto.bacione anja
Rosanna Palermo
Rosanna Palermo
19:18 15 Jun 14
Markus Nimtz
Markus Nimtz
07:45 11 Jun 14
Dario Sirotti
Dario Sirotti
17:45 09 Jun 14